Pradyumna Kumar MahanandiaPradyumna Kumar Mahanandia, a promising Delhi College of Art student, changed his life in January 1977. He sold everything and biked from India to Sweden to be with his love.

Pradyumna and Charlotte Von Schedvin met in Delhi in 1975. Charlotte, a 19-year-old Swedish woman, flew to India to have Pradyumna sketch her portrait after hearing about his ability. They had no idea this encounter would ignite a deep and instant attachment.

Pradyumna’s promise to draw a portrait in 10 minutes enthralled Charlotte. Their instant attraction was unmistakable. Pradyumna loved Charlotte’s beauty and simplicity.

Despite their closeness, circumstances separated them. Charlotte returned to Sweden, abandoning Pradyumna. Over a year of letters, their love endured. Pradyumna changed her life to reunite.

He sold everything and bought a bicycle in January 1977 to bike from India to Sweden. Pradyumna cycled 70 kilometers (44 miles) daily for 4 months and 3 weeks. He survived by drawing portraits for those who gave him money, food, and shelter.

Pradyumna found Charlotte in Sweden after a long, hard voyage. Their wedding was not easy. Pradyumna had to overcome cultural differences to win Charlotte’s parents’ approval.

Pradyumna and Charlotte live in Sweden with their two children. Pradyumna thinks love is a global language that unites everyone.

The story of Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia and Charlotte Von Schedvin shows how far love may go. Their journey of passion, art, and tenacity shows the human spirit’s ability for love and adventure.