YSR-Congress-Showing-PK-Withdrawal-SymptomsYSR Congress used to be very aggressive and organized in the Social Media for the last two years or so. If at all the party wins the elections, the Social Media Strategy will for sure get credit in Jagan’s Victory. But then, YSR Congress Social Media Wing suddenly lost its steam after the elections.

It is evident that the YSR Congress is failing to show its presence in social media in the last few days. The online polls, discussions, arguments, etc are being dominated by TDP and Janasena Supporters. Sources close to YSR Congress told us that this is the effect of Prashant Kishor’s Team winding its Hyderabad Operations.

The contract of YSR Congress with Prashant Kishor’s I-PAC has ended right after the election and they have shifted their focus to the General Elections. Moreover, YSR Congress used to pay big money to their Social Media Volunteers before the elections and they have stopped it after the Polling Day.

The effect is clearly seen. Janasena also shut down its IT Center in Hyderabad while TDP does not have a dedicated facility for Social Media. Both the parties are however being defended by their huge fan base on Social Media. Let us see how Social Media Turf turns into after the results are out on May 23rd.