Costliest City IndiaRenowned lifestyle reporting agency, Mercer has ranked Mumbai as the costliest city to live in in India. Next come New Delhi, Chennai, and Bengaluru.

Mercer has stated that the accommodation cost in Mumbai is 50% higher than that of Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Delhi and other cities.

In the global rankings, Mumbai has come 147 on list of countries with highest cost of living. Then come Delhi(169), Chennai(184), Bangalore(189) and Hyderabad’s (202).

This is list is complied based on the data computing 200 points including accommodation, transportation, clothing, groceries, and others.

Hong Kong, Singapore, and Zurich are the costliest international cities in terms of cost of living. The least expensive city on the list is Havana.

Also, Mumbai and Delhi rank in the top 35 positions in highest cost of living cities in Asia.