YSRCP involved - AP for Mass Vote Deletion pplications-With the Case of Data Breach and Massive Form-7 Applications to delete voters, there is a huge hue and cry in Andhra Pradesh about a possible attempt to make some voters disappear from the Voter List. YSR Congress is alleging that it is the work of the Ruling Party while TDP says it is a conspiracy of the Opposition Party.

While we are not in a position to ascertain the facts, one observation cannot be missed. Around 20 Lakh Votes have gone missing in the Telangana Elections which happened in December last year. Election Commission just brushed off the issue down the carpet by saying a Simple Sorry.

There was no such media trial in Telangana as it is happening today in the neighboring state. That very much reveals how media is handled in Telangana. Media Channels which claim themselves as the saviors of Democracy should answer why there is a contrast in the reporting.