Krishna Pushkaralu, Krishna Pushkaralu Selfie Accidents, Krishna Pushkaralu Selfie Mishaps, Krishna Pushkaralu Shocking AccidentsSelfie Mania is gripping the Pushkar Ghats in Vijayawada as people are trying to preserve the moments at Krishna Pushkaralu who are celebrated once in 12 years. However, the mania is emerging as a headache for the Police on duty as some overly adventurous selfie-takers posing a risk to themselves.

Some of the devotees are seen dropping their phones into the water as they try to take the Selfies. The phones were rendered useless after falling in the water. Police have banned the Selfies in some ghats in a bid to avert any mishaps. Moreover, this selfie madness is over-crowding the ghats.

Police are having some breathing space as the last three days (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) passed off without any mishaps. These days are very crucial in the management of the 12 days event as they are long weekend holidays. The crowd is expected to get controlled on the weekdays.