Petrol Prices Are Growing Like Narendra Modi's BeardPetrol and Diesel prices are rising like there is no end. The price of Petrol has crossed 100 Rupees long ago and is now heading towards 110 Rupees. Despite the pandemic and the bad financial condition of the people, the prices are increasing non-stop burdening the common man.

CPI leader Narayana made an innovative protest against the hike in petrol prices. He became a News Channel reporter and sought views from the public at a petrol bunk in Tirupati. People explained to Narayana the difficulties they were facing with the hike in petrol prices.

“The prices of petrol and diesel are increasing like how Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s beard is growing. Steps should be taken to bring petrol and diesel under GST. People are suffering because the central and state governments are enjoying the taxes on Petrol and Diesel,” the CPI leader said.

The central and state taxes constitute around 70% of the total costs of Petrol and Diesel.