Janasena President Pawan Kalyan gave a Break to his Janasena Porata Yatra for Ramzan and is back in Hyderabad for a few days. Once at home, Pawan Kalyan resumed his Twitter stint and went on to post his observations about willful negligence and exploitation of Uttarandhra.
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He quoted an example of Lord Macaulay’s Address in British Parliament on February 2nd, 1835 in which he says about how there are wealth and morals everywhere in Africa and stresses on the need to replace their old and ancient education system and culture to dominate them.
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He went on to say Lord Macaulay is dead and gone but his theory of exploitation of resources through the destruction of nativity and indigenous culture is still being carried forward by our own Native Political Class. But then, a simple Google Search reveals that the Speech of Lord Macaulay was never true and it is just a Social Media Forward.
Pawan Kalyan seems to have passed it off as true but it is never the case. This is not the first time Pawan Kalyan got something like that and passed it off as truth. But then, his back-end team seems to be not learning from the mistakes. It has to be seen if they rectify that now.
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Though Lord Macaulay was dead & gone but I could see his ‘theory of exploitation of resources through destruction of nativity & indigenous culture’ is still being carried forward; but this time it’s not by Europeans but of our own Native Political Elites. pic.twitter.com/5lDF2tizbE
— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) June 12, 2018