One Coronavirus Vaccine Showing Good Results - Details Here:A potential vaccine for Coronavirus has been developed and tested successfully in mice and there is good news. The Vaccine spurred the growth of virus-fighting antibodies which can be termed as a success. However, the researchers say that the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine says the Human Trials will begin only after two months.

The Pittsburgh vaccine uses lab-made viral protein to build a person’s immunity to the virus. This has been observed in mice two weeks after the vaccine was administered. There are a couple of other vaccines that have reached the Human Trials but the results are yet to be declared.

Even after the Human Trials are a success, the approvals and mass production will take at least one year to complete so that the vaccine can be available to the people across the globe. Vaccines often take years to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration but given the gravity of the situation, the Vaccines for COVID-19 will get immediate approval if the results are satisfactory.

At the time of writing this article, there are 1,015,877 cases and 53,218 deaths of COVID-19. A quarter of the total cases were recorded in the United States. In India, the total number of cases is inching towards the 2500 mark. A majority of the cases are related to a Religious Event in Delhi.