hyderabad traffic police facebookThe ‘Hyderabad Traffic Police’ Facebook page is one of the most active government pages on the social networking Major. The page has designated officers who post information related to traffic rules, road safety and traffic updates in various parts of the city. Besides this, they also take complaints from the Netizens for various violations and corruption in the city and they clear at least 90% of them with picture proofs.

There are posts complaining the corruption and irregularity of the cops in the city and the Hyderabad Police are not even letting them go without punishment. The page received around 50-60 complaints every month and more than 90 percent of them are solved. Since the complainants do not need to be present physically for the complaint,many vigilant citizens are coming forward to report the irregularities.

The major challenge about the task according to the admins of the page is the handling of some extremely rude comments and unnecessary negative feedback with the same advantage of not being physically available before the police. But the page admins are known to be extremely Netizen friendly.