Narendra Modi Wife Jashodaben Opens up on the Critical Issue with Media PM Narendra Modi’s wife Jashodaben spoke on demonetization on Sunday. She was asked about demonetization effect and her inputs on the same by media at Kota. It was answered by her that Demonetisation is a great and courageous step taken by her husband to eradicate corruption.

Jashodaben, queried by the reporter how Modi government is doing, replied that the government is performing well and the demonetisation will not only bring the black money out existing in India but also would pull the Black money back from foreign and thereby improving the standard of life of Indian citizens. She was in all praise of Modi government’s demonetization concept commenting that people will be benefited with this initiative.

Modi is married to Jashodaben when he was 18 and she was 16. They never lived together and are not in contact thereafter. If at all they were together it was for quite a short period of time about three months as reported by Jashodaben in the past. While Modi succeeded in his career as a politician, Jashodaben has retired as a teacher and now leading a devotional life.