Lady Women Own Funeral Fake Funeral Ceremony Dream WishVera Lucia da Silva, a 44 year old woman, had a desire of conducting her own funeral. So she planned one. To accomplish this bucket list goal, Ms. da Silva had to lie in a coffin for almost an entire day pretending to be dead.

Vera’s friends and family attended the fake funeral procession, which was on the Day of the Dead on Wednesday, dressed in black. A video has also been uploaded featuring Vera applying makeup for the event and faking her death to get her friends to react, who scream at the sight, and back alive again.

The fake funeral ceremony took place at a funeral home in Brazil in a place called Camocim. About the bizarre event, the woman said that she had wanted this for 14 years now and she “can’t believe that at last this wish has been granted.”

When she invited her close ones, everyone thought it was just a joke, however, it was real enough to have her stay on “coconut water and tea” all day.