God Bless America CoronaVirusThe United States has become the epicenter of Corona cases across the globe. The country is inching towards the Eight Million Confirmed cases which are about 40% of the total cases worldwide. The contagion already claimed more than 40,000 lives.

While the Governments call this a Health Emergency, a Health Disaster may be the Right word. The mishandling of the situation and the mayhem the virus created is an eyeopener for several countries but then, it looks like several Americans themselves do not realize the gravity of the situation.

The United States has been witnessing protests in various states demanding the immediate resumption of the economy. Several protests have seen hundreds of people gathering defying the social-distancing rules. There are slogans like Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, Live Free or Die, etc.

Freedom or Liberty at this point in time will only mean death. While the concerns about joblessness and poverty are understandable, the precarious situation leaves no room for that at least for now. If the Governments relent, As we say always ‘God Bless America!’