Harish Rao Links Science and Sentiment to Debunk Lagadapati RajagopalCaretaker Minister Harish Rao rubbished Lagadapati Survey Results saying that they are created with his imagination. Harish went on to say that the same Lagadapati always said Telangana Creation will never happen but everyone knows what happened next. “He is never Correct,” Harish Rao said.

Harish also said the independents whom Lagadapati told are not winning but also added some other Independents may win. It is interesting to see that Harish is mixing Psephology – a science and Sentiment. Lagadapati’s Telangana State Sentiment is more of wishful thinking and his Surveys are science. So they can not be compared.

Also if Lagadapati‘s Surveys can not be trusted, probably the next question would be why KTR asked for Lagadapati’s help with the Surveys. We have seen Lagadapati releasing the Screenshots of his conversation with KTR and the Minister did not condemn them. Anyways, the reliability of Lagadapati’s Surveys will be determined on 11th.