haryana-female-police-constable-danceA video of female constable’s sensual dance for an item number song on her break time has been the most widely shared video on social media recently. The eye-catching things of the video are that the constable dancing in her uniform and the moves that she got on the stage.

Loads of comments were showered on the posts mostly in a negative way, though. Some criticized her for choosing an item number to have fun in her break time. The audience was her co-police women who were also having fun and encouraging their colleague who was trying to relieve herself and the others female police in the room from the duty strain

On the other side, some appreciated her act which is quite normal and practiced in many other fields. Few gave back answers to the critics asking, while other sectors like corporate offices can have fun likewise as a refreshment, why can’t a police be accepted doing the same.

Whatever the opinion is, this video shot on a mobile has drawn a lot of attention on social media.