Coronavirus Throws A Caution For the Young Until now, we have been hearing that the Old are the most vulnerable due to the Coronavirus due to their past morbidities. However, research revealed that Coronavirus in the patients in their 30s to 40s have caused a stroke in them. Usually, the median age for that type of severe stroke is 74.

Already the young are becoming vulnerable to heart problems due to stress and bad lifestyle. So, this calls for caution. The pathogen is supposed to primarily attacks the lungs, it has turned out to be a much more formidable foe — impacting nearly every major organ system in the body.

The worse part is that even after claiming more than 203K lives across the globe, there is no complete understanding of the disease. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number of cases in the country are 26,496‬. There are around 900 fatalities in the country.

The mortality rate in India is much less when compared to the other countries of the West.