Committees,-Committees-More-Committees-from-Pawan-KalyanJanasena President Pawan Kalyan had established a Joint Fact-Finding Committee to ascertain the facts about the assistance to Andhra Pradesh from the central government and the implementation of Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act.

People are confused about how this committee having leaders from various political interests will able to ascertain the facts. As if this is not enough, Pawan Kalyan now announced forming further sub-committees to gave a clear picture.

These sub-committees will have experts from various fields and their future plan will be announced after the two days Joint Fact-Finding Committee meeting ends tomorrow. With the next elections nearing, one would wonder how these committees will help the cause.

Some say Pawan Kalyan is only exhibiting his political inexperience in the name of the committee. Some ask how he will lead a party when he has no opinion or understanding of the facts. And this dependence on leaders with their own political interests will definitely not help.