The AP government has been dragging the CID case on allegedly offensive social posts shared by Chintakayala Vijay, the son of TDP veteran Ayyannapatrudu.
The latest news is that Vijay was served a new round of notices by the AP CID.
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The CID officers went to Vijay’s residence in Hyderabad but he was not at the property then. The CID officers then served the notices to Ayyannapatrudu who was at the location.
Meanwhile, TDP troops have been arguing that this is a mere attempt of the AP government to divert the public’s attention from the ongoing developments in Andhra Pradesh.
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“The defeat in graduates MLC elections and the MLA-elected election has rattled the YSRC government. They’re now going after a young guy, Vijay with a same old dragged on case over a social media post.” A TDP social media user commented.