Vijayawada-Metro-RailTDP Rajya Sabha MP, Kanakamedala Ravindra Kumar, raised a question about Vijayawada and Vishakapatnam Metro Rail Project to the Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, Kaushal Kishore. The Minister gave a written reply.

The reply said – The Union government had asked the Andhra Pradesh government on September 1, 2017, to “submit the revised proposals for the project in line with the Metro Rail Policy-2017.”

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Since then, Blue media is on an overrun saying that the then-TDP government has let down the project by not pursuing it. But the facts are different.

Metro Rail Projects for Vishakapatnam and Vijayawada are assured in Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act that was passed in 2014. The DPRs were prepared and sent to the center much before this new policy change came in.

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The new policy eases the burden off the Central Government and brings in Private players. That is contrary to the spirit of the Reorganization Act.

The then Chandrababu Naidu government opposed the Central Government on this front and did not agree to send the revised proposal in line with the Metro Rail Policy-2017 which is against the spirit of the Act passed by the Parliament.

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Had Chandrababu sent the proposal the right of AP vested by the AP Reorganization Act will be been lost.

The negotiations later and the fallout between TDP and BJP did not move the project and the government changed.

The Jagan Government that came later completely trashed the project due to its changed priorities. Now, no one is worried about infrastructure projects because it is all about ‘Button Nokkudu’ in Andhra Pradesh.