Black-Americans-Worst-Hit-by-CoronavirusThe United States is severely battered due to the Coronavirus. The total number of cases in the country is inching towards the 5,00,000 mark. Towards the South, the virus is disproportionately infecting and killing African Americans. Popularly known as Black Americans, they are more likely to live in poverty and suffer from chronic disease.

In Louisiana, a shocking 70% of deaths were among African Americans, despite making up only 33% of the state’s population. New Orleans, a majority-black city with one of the country’s highest metro poverty rates also has the highest number of casualties and cases.

The situation is more or less the same in Mississippi and Alabama where the black population is the most affected. Some states do not have the population of the races but the administration says the Black Americans are the most affected.

The exact reason for this trend is not known but primarily, the experts feel that this population is also expected not to have the meager access to the medical facilities which may be the reason for this catastrophe.