Alicia Elizabeth Lander Air canadaA woman passenger on an Air Canada plane was convicted for committing an indecent act in public causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief to property. The passenger Alicia Elizabeth Lander aged 26 was convicted of four charges as soon as the plane landed at the Halifax airport.

The incident happened when she was traveling along with her boy friend, Jason George Chase, 39. The woman in her testimony to the court said that she didn’t remember what happened but the court refused to believe her and also added ‘No Memory a no defence’. The flight service director was the key witness in the case.

He told the court that he found the woman with her pants pulled down and the man’s hand in her lap. He said the man was penetrating her. The girl was fully drunk on the plane that day. The girl and her boy friend, Chase will have to be in the court on July 14th for the sentence.