What-to-Watch---Mahesh-Babu's-Strong-RecommendationIf the adoration comes from the Horse’s mouth, there is nothing like it. If a superstar like Mahesh Babu recommends something very strongly, then the first thought would be like, “It must be worth a watch.”

The Superstar strongly recommended watching the original German version of the superhit fiction thriller web television series with subtitles. He wrote, “Unbelievably conceived, written and executed.”

Being dark and mysterious, the web series has won the acclaim of OTT viewers and many celebrities have vouched for it. The third season of the show has received good reviews and a word from celebrities is going to take the viewership of the series further.

Here, the show became a winner because of the content and how it was presented in a gripping manner. Fiction thrillers thrive on the screenplay for most of the part.