Watch Mersal Vs Modi scene video Making a mountain out of a mole is one of the arts many of the politicians are adept at and if you have any doubts, you can see how the BJP leaders tried to make a big issue of a scene from Vijay’s Diwali release ‘Mersal‘.

‘Mersal’ is about corrupted private hospital culture in India. In a dialogue, Vijay is seen speaking about the present GST system and his take on the medical system in India. This scene seemed objectionable to the BJP leaders as they see this as the political war against Modi. Nonetheless, they are giving free publicity to the movie. After trending #MersalVsModi, now Tamil folks started trending #TamiliansVsModi.

While they want this scene to be deleted from the movie screening, the controversial scene made it to the online. Of course, leaked online and those who didn’t watch it till date, are getting free access to watch it.

When there is a government, there would be people who speak supporting it and also people who raise their voice against it. How come the leaders of the leading party unable to take the ‘Freedom of Speech’ in the right sense. Watch the video going viral on Twitter below;