Tollywood’s new capital will be Visakhapatnam even of other city is selected as capital for residual State of Andhra Pradesh. Scenic beauty, infrastructure, airport are the major advantages for the Vizag where movie mogul Ramanaidu has already set up a studio. A section of producers and film makers led by Nattikumar wanted to meet group of ministers (GOM) seeking around 350 acres of land in Vizag for establishing studios and infrastructure for film shootings. Earlier, the government wanted to allocate land but it was not materialized due to ‘high price’ quoted by the officials.
Source say a letter has been sent afresh to Union Minister AK Antony for the allocation of land and setting up a studio with government funds. They are also suggesting not to allocate land for the existing studio owners as they had already got benefited in Hyderabad. “The government should encourage development of film industry in Vizag, The rules should be made clear that all those who have benefited from land or plots in Hyderabad should not be given chance to get land in Vizag,” Natti Kumar said.
His suggestion may antagonize dominant section of the film industry as they want lion’s share in Vizag too. It is said that many top heroes and producers have already bought land in prime localities of Bhimili anticipating that the land in Visakhapatnam district would become gold with shifting of Tollywood capital from Hyderabad.