Bunny Vasu Speech Vinaro Bhagyamu vishnu KathaA new trend has started in Tollywood that has worked on numerous occasions in the recent past. When the makers are confident about their project, they are organizing paid premieres before the film’s release. Last year such paid premieres helped Adivi Sesh’s Major a lot in spreading positive talk about the film.

This year also, Writer Padmabhushan had paid premieres a few days before its release. The talk from those screenings was positive, which helped the film to get a decent initial on its first day, despite being a non-star cast film.

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Even yesterday, paid premieres were organized for Dhanush’s Sir, which received a positive response from the audience.

Now the makers of Kiran Abbavaram’s Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha are organizing paid premieres one day before its release.

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Apparently, the film’s producers, Bunny Vas & Allu Aravind, watched the final copy of the movie recently, and they were mighty impressed by the final output.

The team is confident that they have a winner on their hands, and that is the reason why they are also following the trend of having paid premieres so that when the film releases on February 18, the audience will turn up in good numbers.

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