Vijay Deverakonda GladiatorVijay Deverakonda recently was a part of the Jai Jawan program on a popular news channel where he interacted with our Indian soldiers and army personnel. It’s a reputed show in which some of the biggest stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra, and Akshay Kumar have participated in the past.

In between the shoot, he gave an interview and took the rapid-fire round. When he was asked which iconic role he want to do, Vijay replied that he wants to do Russell Crowe’s Gladiator. It maybe too early to imagine Deverakonda in the role of Gladiator but maybe after a few years, he will be eligible to play the Oscar-winning role with the age and maturity.

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He also said that he is terrified of snakes. He said in his childhood he wanted to become a bus driver because he was fascinated by them.

On social media, the clips of this interview are being shared by VD fans. Some of the netizens are getting confused and are assuming that Deverakonda is still shooting for Jana Gana Mana where he was supposed to play a military officer.

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For the record, Puri Jagannadh’s Jana Gana Mana has been shelved and Vijay Deverakonda has moved on.