In the world of Tollywood Film Industries, the youngsters are the ones making big on the arena. Notably, young directors like Srikanth Addala, who debuted with Kotha Bangaru Lokam, Sampath Nandi whose directorial debut was the small budget Yemayindi Ee Vela, Veerabhadram, who directed two successful small budget flicks like Aha Na Pellanta and Sunil’s Poolarangadu and Vikram Kumar, with his hit Ishq, have left their mark on this film industry.
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Regarding the cause of these upstarts, producer Dil Raju thinks that trust is the key behind these successes. He said that, “I liked the way Srikanth dealt with KBL. I knew he had the capability and we decided to take a chance.” Director Harish Shankar, clearly advocating the same thoughts said that winning the trust of the star is very important. “I worked with Ravi Teja for his film Veede and it was he who summoned me to direct Shock and later Mirapakay and that gave me a headstart.”