Recently visionary director Shankar announced that he would be parallelly working on RC15 and Indian 2. During the active producers guild strike in Tollywood, Shankar took a decision to resume the shooting for his ambitious project, Indian 2, which was halted in February 2020 after a fire accident on the sets.
Shankar then took up RC15 with Ram Charan and Kiara Advani and even wrapped up close to fifty percent of its shooting. Then the issues with Lyca Productions were sorted out, and Shankar announced in August that he is resuming the shooting for Indian 2 and will be working on RC15 as well simultaneously.
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Meanwhile, the latest reports from Kollywood suggest that noted Tamil directors such as Vasanthabaalan, Chinbudevan, and Arivazhagan will be coordinating and directing Indian 2 along with Shankar from here onwards so that Shankar can work on two projects simultaneously.
We just hope it’s not the case of too many cooks spoiling the broth, and Shankar delivers with both the films.