The young actor Sundeep ‘Chinna’ Kishan who gained his fame from the film Prasthanam fame is now all ready to put on a new avatar. Kishan is indeed all geared to play the role of Chulbul Pandey type cop made famous through Salman Khan’s acting.
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When questioned about the validity of this news bit, Kishan laughingly replied that the role in question is definitely one of its type. It is a first-of-its-kind fun role in Telugu cinema. He further explained that the role was typically massy role but he has tried to underplay it. The character is indeed something out-of-box, and Kishan will just have to wait and see if the reactions of the audiences are in its favour!
As for the film, Sundeep explained that it is a proper commercial film but has a quirky premise. With debutant director N. Bose at its film, the film has Sundeep Kishan and Nisha Agaarwal in the lead.