Tamil actor Srikanth, who has starred in Telugu films such as Adavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule and few other films, has bought the Tamil remake rights of recent Telugu low-budget blockbuster Swamy Ra Ra. He said he personally loved the film, and therefore, didn’t even hesitate to buy the remake rights. Apparently, a fancy price was paid for the remake rights and the project is go on floors soon.
Srikanth, who is currently busy with films called Nambiar and Om Shanti Om in Tamil, will also play the lead in the Tamil version of the remake. He says he has already spoken to few director with regards to the project, but he is yet to take a director on board who will helm the project. He says he is yet to finalize the rest of the cast, which he intends to finish by this month end.
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Swamy Ra Ra turned out to be one of the sleeper hits of the year. It was one of the films that proved content is more important than star power. Sudheer Varma, who had directed the original, is happy that his film is being remade in so many languages. The film is being remade in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam and Oriya.