The makers of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming movie had reportedly roped in Bollywood babe Sonam Kapoor. This will be Sonam’s first movie down the South. The movie will be directed by Srinu Vaitla and is titled ‘Aagadu’. Confirming the news, Kona Venkat, the writer of the movie says, “Yes, we have roped in Sonam Kapoor for this film and Mahesh Babu is confirmed too. We are going to narrate the rest of the story to Mahesh Babu soon.”
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The movie is expected to go on to sets in April this year. This movie will carry a lot of expectations as the hero-director duo had delivered a blockbuster like Dookudu earlier. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan will be scripting the movie. Anil Sunkara, Gopichand and Ram Achanta are producing the film under 14 Reels Entertainments banner.