Sania mirza crying

All the important issues of the nation have successfully sidetracked over the last 3-4 days over the issue of Sania Mirza being appointed as the Brand Ambassador of Telangana state. The news became a point of discussion across the nation with BJP MLA Lakshman asking how a Pakistani daughter-in-law can be brand ambassador of Telangana. In an interview to a national channel on this lines, Sania broke out questioning how many times she has to prove her patriotism. There are several diversified opinions on Sania weeping in live. Here are some of them on Twitverse.

“Sania Mirza – The drama Queen. Will only believe her when she talks in Telugu or endorse Telangana for free”

“Dear Sania Mirza , when u married a Pakistani u never cried, it was all celebration; but when u were dubbed as Pakistani, you cry so much?”

“By humiliating #SaniaMirza today, BJP leaders have discouraged thousands of sportsmen and sportswomen who dream of making India proud.#Shame”

“Now that with no good performance in Tennis, Sania put up this show across the Television. Time to sign more endorsement deals?”

“So much of love for the country. But why take money to endorse your state Saina?”