Revanth, son of producer Yelamanchali Saibabu, is making his cinematic debut with upcoming film Intinta Annamayya. The young actor who plays an NRI, who falls in love with singer Annamayya’s song said that he personally is a fan of the singer. Therefore, it was easy for him to play the role because he could relate with his own self.
The film is slated to release toward the month end and he is paired opposite debutant Sanam Shetty and Annanya. Veteran filmmaker K. Raghavendra has also this project, which was supposed to release in April earlier this year but got delayed for several reasons. Revanth said that the delay would have only increased the expectations as he is confident that the audiences will receive the film well.
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Revanth has been hearing several scripts already but he hasn’t signed any because he wanted this film to come out first. He added that he will decide on his next film based on the response of this outing.