Rajugadu-Trailer-Talk-Typical-&-Routine-But-Fun-GeneratingIt’s a cake walk for Raj Tarun to generate comedy in romantic comedies and when a romcom like ‘Rajugadu’ is at his disposal. Though typical, Raj Tarun’s act as a guy who steals things as he can’t control the habit is thoroughly entertaining in the trailer.

The plot isn’t great but promises a thorough light-weight entertainment that would cater to the young audiences, big time. After several path-breaking films and well-made classics, if done properly ‘Rajugadu’ may offer something breezy that might be intended for pure fun.

Raj Tarun’s last release ‘Rangula Ratnam’ was a complete washout. The young hero has been giving on and off results. Looking at the trailer, it’s possible that he might have repeated his earlier acts in terms of his performance offering nothing new. However, the trailer also has a promise that this repetitive act might be real-fun. Let’s see.