Rajamouli Embarrasses Krish on Gautamiputra Satakarni LetterRajamouli Embarrasses Krish on Gautamiputra Satakarni LetterAfter ‘Gautamiputra Satakarni‘ hit theaters, a letter which is said to be written by Rajamouli to director Krish made rounds in the media making us feel proud of Rajamouli for his genuine appreciation for his fellow director.

But, here is a twist in this letter. Rajamouli hasn’t written a letter at all. It was just that Rajamouli did an interview with Krish because he genuinely liked the movie. The team ‘GPSK’ asked his permission to use the interview for print media even.

But, the interview content was transformed into a letter, which was never written by Rajamouli. Of course, the content has the experts from the interview. Rajamouli felt it as overdramatic to be presented in the form of a letter. Krish said that it was his team’s over enthusiasm which converted interview content into a letter.

Rajamouli gave this clarification via social media and said that he still holds the same opinion on Krish and his team. But, since he didn’t get a clarification on the letter part, he clarified it on social media.