Megastar Chiranjeevi has spoken about his younger brother’s party Janasena and the speech during its launch. He has said that what Pawan Kalyan spoke during the launch is completely based on his perspective of how he has seen things and the difficulties he has faced. Maybe he wasn’t thinking correctly, maybe he was speaking on the influence of some story someone else has told him or it could be anything. But we cannot accept that whatever he has spoken is correct, said Chiru.
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Chiranjeevi has advised Pawan Kalyan to think about those leaders who are not responsible for this bifurcation and surely, he’ll only get a handful of politicians. BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu has not fought for unification but in the end has only asked the government to provide a better package to Seemandhra. Even opposition leader of Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj was a part of this bifurcation but to realize this, Pawan Kalyan has to think. And then, let him decide if he can form alliance with them or not.
Coming to the phrase that is sounding loud nowadays “Congress Hatao, Desh Bachao”, Chiranjeevi has said that Congress is the nation’s party and it is impossible for anyone to destroy it. Many people have said words like these, but they couldn’t do anything to Indian National Congress, a party with a history of 128 years. With such a history, will Pawan Kalyan be able to leave his mark by putting a scar on Congress in these upcoming elections? Well, Chiru says he can’t!