Telangana  film instituteTelangana government has been reiterating on the importance of preserving the state’s cultural heritage which is replete in various folk art forms of the region. Besides this aspect, the Telangana government is also very much interested in the development of what is called one of the most commercialised art form, movies.

A proposal of five crore rupees has been put up to set up a separate film institute in Telangana to encourage the local talent by honing the artistic and technical skills of film making in professional lines. Once the film development corporation is divided between the two states, Telangana officials would come up with all the details of various courses offered in the proposed Telangana State Film Institute.

These days film making is more of a commercial media and actually needs no patronage from the state as this art form is no where in the verge of extinction. But there are many folk art forms in the region which needs patronage from the State to survive in this modern era.

Developing cinema is good. But shouldn’t the initial development plans from TS need to focus on local art forms first? Though the TS is speaking a lot on Telangana folk artists, it seems to be giving big share to cinema. It’s surprising that no such budgetary allocations were made on development of Film Institute but detailed proposals were sent to develop it on the lines of reputed Pune Film Institute.