marital rape in indiaIs there a necessity to redefine rape? United Nations Commitee on elimination of discrimination towards women suggested to India to consider criminalising of marital rape.

Minister of State for home Mr. Haribhai Parathibhai Chowdary gave a written reply to the government explaining that marital rape concept in India cannot be criminalised because of the importance and sanctity of the institution of marriage in India. He further adds that many other socio-political conditions, literacy, poverty, customs and beliefs come into play into the institution of marriage in the Indians context and hence no such amendment is proposed to criminalise marital rape.

Now intellectual people of India has got a question to ask the Ministry Of Home Affairs. Is marital rape a concept like an idea? While progressive societies are foregoing useless beliefs and customs and trying to educate and create awareness about the rights of a women, can we not atleast discuss on criminalisation of marital rape? Marriage is definitely a big institution in India. But hasn’t it undergone a massive change since a decade? Likewise, isn’t there a need to redefine the rape laws of our country?