Legal notices to actors in a family dispute!A 17 year old girl claims that she is being deprived of her right to her property. The girl, Daksha Gowda, alleged that the Triveni theatre, which is an ancestral property, is being sold to some actors by the other members of her family without keeping her share. Fearing this, the minor girl legally notified the actors about it and requested them to not buy the theatre.

The movie stars including Kamal Hassan and some other popular Kannada stars who were prepared to buy the property are now the part of a family dispute. The Karnataka High court has issued a suit of injunction to ban actors Kamal Hassan, Sudeep, Darshan, and Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce president HD Gangaraju from buying the theatre which is located in Bangalore according to a tabloid news.

While there have been no official comments by the actors or Gowda, her advocate Shankrappa said that they don’t wish to involve the actors in a family and the legal notice is just a formality.