Karthikeya’s Raja Vikramarka is releasing tomorrow (November 12th). The actor who is in search of a hit after RX100 has pinned high hopes on this movie. Karthikeya has an action image in the audience but this film will explore his comic timing as well says director Sri Saripalli.
In a conversation with M9.news ahead of the movie release, Sri Saripalli said, “Raja Vikramarka will have action as well. Even though the action portion is relatively less but all the action sequences are very risky. Karthikeya, however, performed them with ease.
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“We will see him on a 50 feet zipline. And then, we have a shot in the teaser wherein he is seen hanging from the eighth floor of a building. Karthikeya has done it for real. Karthikeya’s fitness and commitment were inspiring. The audience will see the best of him in the movie,” Sri added.
Karthikeya plays an NIA agent in the movie. The actor is getting married on November 21st. He would want to end his bachelorhood by signing off with a hit.