Kamal Haasan auto biography

Biographies are a very personal account of a person from the view of someone who is closely acquainted to them. Kamal Haasan however is not very generous when it comes to giving the rights to writing his biography. The actor who turned fifty nine recently and donated cycles and sewing machines to his fans to mark the occasion has granted the rights of writing his success story to a couple of writers, but when it comes to home stead, Kamal has not been as generous.

As it so happens, his ex-wife Sarika had tried to get some top publishers interested in a tell-all book about Haasan’s life from the prospective of someone who shared life with him. Haasan however struck the whole thing down before it even began. He was heard saying to a close friend that his life is very colourful and controversial, he doesn’t want his children to be affected by that.