Nene Raju Nene Mantri Title - AhamDeveloping a story at various levels and bringing the characters to life isn’t an easy. Producer of ‘Nene Raju Nene Manthri‘ Suresh Babu spoke at length about the journey of the story of the film.

Originally, when Teja narrated the story, it was titled ‘Aham’. Suresh Babu was apprehensive because of the negative shades but felt that it would be a good idea for his son.Rana liked the story and predicted that the idea can be developed into an intriguing story.

Henceforth, Teja, Rana and Suresh Babu were involved in developing the lead characters. Suresh Babu confidently said that Teja had come out of his style of making romantic movies and woven an emotional narrative with a triangular love concept included. Looks a bit different and let’s see if the political entertainer has sub-concepts that would enhance the narration of the main concept.