I & Trivikram Srinivas Always Think of Doing a Film - SunilTrivikram and comedian Sunil started off from the same place when they were struggling to get a hold in the industry. They have been friends, since then. Did Sunil ever think of doing a film with Trivikram?

Sunil says that there has to be the proper time and proper script to try a film with him. But, the duo always thinks of doing a film together. Only that, Trivikram’s stature has increased by leaps and bounds and Sunil finds no space for him in that sphere. So, he has to wait until Trivikram decides to make a small movie.

We agree with Sunil when he praised Trivikram sky high for his intelligence and talent. According to Sunil, Trivikram has the capacity to do Bollywood films, but not even trying as he is that kind of person who doesn’t aspire big and takes time to get away from his zone