Superstar Mahesh Babu‘s Sarkaru Vaari Paata Blaster has released last night. The Blaster is out nine hours earlier than expected due to an unfortunate leak. The makers had to release the teaser at midnight all of sudden.
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This has disappointed fans big time because midnight release means many fans would be sleeping unaware of the release. Also, most of the common audience will be sleeping. A pre-announced teaser means audience will know when to expect and the records will tumble.
A part of the Blaster has got leaked. The video has someone watching the teaser on their Television. The person in the video is not clear. We are told that the leaked Blaster is the Director’s cut which has been made for the director to check the output and make necessary corrections.
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The cut shall be available to many technicians who works on the teaser. There are chances that they can forward it to others. So it is not easy to find from where it has leaked. But then, the response has been still good. The Blaster is trending at #1 position on YouTube and already got a sensational 7.2 Million Real Time views and 350K+ Likes on YouTube.