She recently appeared in Mohankrishna Indraganti’s Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meetho Cheppali, which didn’t make much of an impact. Originally, a Tulu beauty, Krithi Shetty made her debut in Telugu with the hit Uppena.
Then she acted in a slew of small and medium-budget films, though she hasn’t had success at the box office. Usually, girls like Kriti Shetty enter the industry with the ‘girl next door’ tag. However, depending on the success of their films and the offers they get, they slowly try to project a glam image of theirs.
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Kriti has just released some pictures of her in a deep blue net saree. The petite and ultra-lean actress looks a little too young for a saree. But again, the heroines have to present themselves in different attires to catch the attention of filmmakers.
However, what one cannot help but notice is the fact that Kriti has played safe by flaunting a simple net saree. Given her petite frame, she looks rather lean and we wonder how the audience will take to her. Her followers on social media are ranting about their disappointment saying that she looks too lean and fragile. They are saying that the Uppena spark has gone missing due to extra weight loss.
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While the days of thunder thighs are long gone, Telugu audiences still prefer heroines with perfect curves and this primarily decides on them getting meaty roles.