Director Vikram Kumar - Naga ChaitanyaFor the first time in his career spanning 20 years, director Vikram Kumar has chosen a story for Naga Chaitanya that he didn’t write himself. But, he is pretty sure that this is the right time to tell this story.

He has been co-writing the story with BVS Ravi and they have tentatively titled it ‘Thank You’. Vikram Kumar said it wasn’t a message-oriented movie as the title may suggest so.

However, there had been rumours floating around that Vikram Kumar is planning a web series with Naga Chaitanya, meanwhile. The director refuted the rumours and said that he is only keen on the feature film he wants to make with Chai.

He can see that in future there would be more writers who would prefer to write content that would suit the sensibilities of OTT audiences though Chai’s story is not for OTT.