Kobbari MattaBurning tar Sampoornesh Babu has become a celebrity in his own unique style and there are die-hard fans of his own out there who made his latest release, Kobbarimatta the surprise hit, giving him another success after Hrudaya Kaleyam. The low budget film faced a lot of troubles and after a long wait of years got the release last month and is now coming on Prime for the fun of his fans.

You must believe the fan base that Sampoo and their happiness to see the news of the film to be streamed on Prime soon. Check out the comments for the director Sai Rajesh’s announcement of the same on Twitter. This is because not all the lovers of Sampoo style comedy got to theaters to watch him on the big screen but they don’t mind watching his films on TV and likewise on Prime for free.

Well, the Kobbarimatta makers got a good deal with Prime who thought Kobbarimatta is worth buying for the streaming. No doubt, there would be a good number of viewers waiting for the film to hit the web.