Bilingual, Fake Bilingual Movies, Fake Telugu Tamil Bilingual Movies, Fake Telugu Bilingual Movies, Fake Tamil Bilingual MoviesNowadays, bilinguals and trilinguals as well have become a trend in the film industries in India, especially across South Film Industries. But, when we watch these films, many of them are leaving us in doubt if they are in true sense bilinguals.

Take the case of recent Trisha’s film ‘Nayaki‘, it can be clearly seen that most of the scenes were shot only once and only the close-up kinda scenes might be shot twice. This isn’t the case only with ‘Trisha’, many bilinguals released recently, easily give away that they are not entirely shot twice for two different languages.

Bilinguals are made when the makers feel that the stars featuring in the straight movie have a good market in other languages too. So, it will be financially benefiting if they tag their film as a bilingual instead of saying it as a dubbing film.

Lip sync is essential for any film to be considered a bilingual. The producers and makers know that long shots could be managed with single shots and only compact shots need to be shot twice. Many Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam films are coming as bilinguals in other languages which look more like dubbed films. But, makers are raking money in the name of straight film.