Baahubali 2 Beats Long Standing Magadheera RecordThere are no records left concerning collections to break for Baahubali 2. It has shattered every conceivable record when we talk about numbers, but there is another area where the movie is going to do the unimaginable.

Baahubali 2 is going to beat the center’s records of Magadheera which was thought to be impossible to beat. Centers were an old tradition to look at hit movies, but with movies releasing in record number of screens getting ‘centers’ record got impossible.

Baahubali 2 is an exception as it had an exceptional run throughout the summer. It is a movie that can have these records as well. Baahubali 2 according to producers is going to complete 50 days run in 282 centers (on June 16). Baahubali 2, Magadheera, and Gabbar Singh round off the top 3 as far as 50 days centers are considered.