Allu Sirish Bowled Over by Nithya Menen Compliment - TFIIn her latest interaction with media, natural actress Nithya Menen said some nice things about our Telugu Film Industry and the recognition she got in the industry. Her opinion on the industry has been registering good responses from the industry folks.

Mighty pleased with Nithya’s statement that Telugu Film Industry is one of the most comfortable places she had found a woman could be, Allu Sirish thanked Nithya Menen and said that one must not pass judgments on an industry of 1,50,000 people from the hearsay or from an odd or bad experience.

He vouched that TFI treats women with utmost respect and is one of the safest places as Nithya said in the interview. According to her, people in TFI are warm and welcoming and in other places, it is slightly difficult. Nithya’s opinion comes as a great respite to many who are pained by some anecdotes narrated by some actresses who painted a sorry picture of TFI.