Game-Over-Trailer-Talk-Gives-Away-Too-MuchAfter an intriguing teaser, the theatrical of Taapsee’s upcoming film Game Over is out. It is an extension of the former, and one gets a feeling that too much has been given away.

The trailer maintains suspense, no doubt, but looking at the visuals and locations, it gives the vibe of films that are shot in minimal places. For such flicks, it does come across as showing a bit too much. However, if there is enough meat around the proceedings and there is something more to it to surprise the audience, Game Over could emerge as a winner.

Game Over is going to release simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Ashwin Saravanan directs the movie. The good thing with Telugu version is the presence of a couple of local artists. It helps to avoid the dubbing feel usually associated with multi languages projects like these.

Check out the trailer below. Tapsee, off late, has been picking some excellent stuff across the industries. If Game Over too follows the same route, it will definitely increase the stock value of the actress in the market. Game Over hits screens all over on June 14th.